Thursday 4 February 2016

Ill Manors broadcast: music video analysis:

Media representation:

Levi Strauss' theory of the binary opposition definitely is demonstrated in the music video. It goes with the saying "The rich get richer, the poor get poorer", and this video representation was a way of stating that without force from the music video itself, but bits of pieces of the actual 2011 London riots have been displayed as well, just emphasizing on the issue and the need and reason for the teenagers to steal. It is obviously not a plausible explanation and excuse, but it speaks to a lot of people and can at least understand that these robbers come from a background without any hope.

Opposite to the their background, the teenagers denote a very violent nature straight ahead. Almost everyone in the '11 London riot clips wear a balaclava, mask, or any other form of clothing to conceal their identity. These things obviously carry connotations of a criminal and that's what they exactly are, however they are not necessarily "bad" criminals, meaning that they have no harm to actual people but just materialistic things. They simply want to steal things, and as bad as it sounds, its only to survive and live. As a result, it is undeniable that the media does twist things above the surface and will do anything to make it "media worthy material". Dyer's theory of stereotypes then arise, creating all sorts of prejudice, discrimination etc. The hypodermic needle theory also comes into play, the audience has a default view, injected by the media to seeing every teenager to be as bad as what they've seen.

Media audiences:

The thematic of Plan B's music video would obviously be about what's going wrong with teenagers today of Great Britain. Hopefully, using Plan B's teenager audience themselves and inputting clips of their peer's criminal behavior can make them spot their mistakes and hopefully work on themselves to build a better image. It truly makes them reflect on themselves.

Media wise, lots of promotion from social media can aid popularity by a significant amount. Also, acknowledging social media demographics, the message is more likely to get to teenagers themselves. But even though the video does have a very similar and conventional gangster rap, along with violence from the music video's choreography itself, it does communicate and appeal to teenagers, along with a perfect opportunity to add some insightful lyrics such as of politics. 

Contrary to this, Plan B's image might have a different vision from different people of different demographics. Some may just see it as provoking of violence, and as a result may even spark more attention and rage. Others may speak to this as of what it is actually trying to target - unfolding teenagers.

Media institutions:

A few things picked up from watching both Ill Manors and the music video were the actors. The actors that played in Ill Manors appeared in the music video itself - a synergy for both institutions and promotion. This hopefully led to more popularity and reference between the movie and music video. To also note, the conventions and things of that sort in both videos are similar, They both have a meaning and purpose, hopefully and will also give a strong message to viewers.

Other things to add are also the marketing. As a result, there are no external promotions from other institutions, so the music video produced by Plan B himself was a smart way of sustaining his low-budget promotion, as well as low-budget film and music video.

The music video could also give viewers in advance of what Ill Manors is about. Just the blatant display of lyrics "CHAV" both verbally and visually has emphasis on it, so straight from that viewers are clear on what it is about. In the end also is a flammable bottle being thrown into the car, and right there would be the connection between the actual 2011 London riots that associated with destruction of cars, windows, etc.

Media forms:

This music video in particular would be conventional of one. Visually, it includes both animated lyrics as well as choreography etc that you would see normally in just a music video. What's more significant of this is also the emphasis it puts on the lyrics and it's meaning. For example, Plan B's lyrics about politics is also the same time when David Cameron is shown to be in a pile of dog faeces, and this just shows Plan B's view of the media. To extend this, before a few seconds is also shown media magazines being eaten. This sort of is ambiguous, but in my view I think it talks about the concept of the media's input, processing and output. The input is from the media's twisted stories that appeal to people. The processing isn't really processing at all, and in fact is a perfect demonstration of the hypodermic needle theory, audience's don't really question other than what they see and just go with it. The output would then result in stereotypes, general beliefs etc, this can cause an issue, especially if it's a negative opinion being passed around.

Tracking back, Plan B appears in almost every shot and is centered in the middle, and this would obviously signify unfamiliar viewers with the artist.  Narrative wise, there is a very 'still' linear pattern. All shots are of violence from both the music video and actual London 2011 riots, if not, they have some sort of relation to violent moments later in the video.

The thematics are suggest the 'street' life that these teenagers are in. Almost every location in the film is around an urban area, ranging from council houses, roof tops, street corners etc - all places of poverty and no civilization where everything is ruled by gangs.      

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